DomiWorks Engineering AB

FlexMount - Transmission Supporting Bracket - 8HP B57 B58 G-series

SKU: 22003010

3 095 kr
Speed sensor and bracket:

9 pieces in stock

FlexMount 2.0 - 8HP Transmission support bracket

Fits 8HP B57 / B58 G-series Transmissions

Here is our new and updated 8HP Transmission Support Bracket (TSB) which we call FlexMount 2.0. The most flexible and versatile support bracket on the market!

The new FlexMount 2.0 has a vertical adjustment range of 40mm and has 16 discrete steps, which means you can adjust the height with small increments of 2.5mm per step. A common solution when you want to do something fully adjustable is to make elongated holes where you rely strictly on friction from the tightened bolt. Over time the mount is exposed for both a high dynamic load and a wide temperature cycling (over 100 degree C delta temperature) which can result in that transmission starts to move from its original position. If this happens the rear of the transmission will protrude  closer to the ground and also putting unnecessary stress on the propshaft. This risk is fully eliminated by having fixed positions.

The FlexMount comes with 3 pairs of T-Slotted inserts so each height combination can be achieved. The inserts features a o-ring so it doesnt fall out when mounted. Inserts made by high strength steel and black oxidized.

Bolted to the back of the transmission, made for OEM bushings in standard angled position to provide the most stability, OEM bushings has been proven to be superior when it comes to handling and NVH in street applications.

Dont mix them up with standard rubber elements thats offered on the market.

Made out of high grade aluminum and anodized black. Laserengraved text and increment steps with recommended heights for our most popular 8HP vehicle kits. Recommended tightening torque and clear instructions of how to adjust the height.

The most premium support bracket on the market.

As an option we offer a bracket for an external speed sensor, ZF Speed sensor. Must be used together with our 8HP Billet output flange with integrated speed tone ring.

Comes with mounting hardware (bolts).

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